Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dawny at the Ultrasound

We found out on March 31st that Dawn and I are going to be having a little girl. As of today (Apr 17th) she is about 20 weeks pregnant and both seem to be doing very well. Dawn has a craving for excess sugar and chocolate, both of which have been universal cravings for many years now. The only difference now is she sends me off to the corner store to get ice cream every other day, guilting me into going out in the wee hours of the night.

We went in for a check up to California Pacific Medical Center for the Ultrasound. The two lovely sonographers were smart ones. They kept the gender of the baby secret until they had a chance to go through all the screens and measurements.

We saw our little one yawn, suck her little thumb, wave at the ultrasonic waves reflecting off her, and roll over in her mom's tummy. With Dawn drinking coffee 45 minutes before the session didn't make things easier for the tired sonographers. Our little one was jumping and rolling all over the place. It was a wonder that we even got the little peep with all that action in there...

Here Dawn is filling out all the paperwork at 8AM on the 31st. We were the first ones in. And there she is with her coffee. You can see in the previous picture she has a little pouch. She was 19 weeks pregnant in that picture.

When the sonographers finally did mention that we were having a girl, Dawn burst out crying with happiness. We were both very scared to have a boy, what with all the stories Dawn had heard about me being a brat and so on. With that one proclamation one list of well thought out names went out of the window.

A couple of the pictures show an elated Dawn on the phone with Sanju and her brother telling them she's having a girl.


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