Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Dawny growing!

Here is Dawny (22 weeks on) as she continues growing while little munchkin continues to kick her way through the day. Dawn's cravings have gotten stronger lately. She claims that copious amounts of Ben and Jerry's Godfather Chocolate Ice Cream helps control her heartburn, and infact alleviates the symptoms. It could be the most egregious claim since Al Gore's famous "I am the inventor of the Internet" statement, but we forgive Dawny her slight exagerrations, especially when she makes them in the matter-of-fact "I-read-it-in-the-baby-magazine" tone

Gone are the days when the ubiquitous Google Search Bar was resolution enough to all knotty questions ranging from "Do you think this bright yellow is a tad too overwhelming for a 2 month old?" to "Do you think maybe the baby will choke on the Elvis teddy bear?" Now there are magazines like "American Baby" that has all the answers and then there are the highly enjoyable, post-hyperparenting books like: "Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay" or the hilarious "Three Martini Playdate", (thanks for the suggestion go to the Wegbreit sisters, authorities on all things baby) which advise parents and parents-to-be to relax, go with the flow and make a stiff martini after the baby's been put to bed.

Talking about stiff martinis, Dawny has been leaving me little post-it notes with recipes for non-alcoholic martinis on my computer keyboard, so I would defnitely get to them the next day. I have suddenly become an authority on drinks that sit on the beverage boundary dividing Jamba Juice and Snazzy Lounge. Try Ginger Julep for instance. Pretty nice. Actually so good, that I have Dawn asking me if she can put the Grey Goose back in, now that she's 29 weeks pregnant. She even used that matter-of-fact tone I was talking about. Only this time she said it was from some French Baby Magazine. Touche, darling!

Speaking of French. Dawny has this habit of getting on the San Francisco Muni and practising Michel Thomas' French on the train. She starts practising on the train with phrases like: "Vous avez le cervau d'un sandwich au fromage" and then wonders why people on the train were staring at her. She has since decided to whisper them to herself.

Here are some random pictures of Dawn at different stages during the pregnancy. I will post our pictures from our Mexico trip in a day or two. Au revoir peoples!


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